Certified Mechanics in Brentwood
What is ASE?
ASE stands for the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence. More than 300,000 technicians in the automotive industry currently hold ASE certifications.
How do technicians become certified by ASE?
From working on hybrid cars to collision repair, there are over 40 distinct ASE certification tests. To receive certification, applicants must pass at least one of these tests and finish two years of relevant work experience. Anyone who completes more than one test will be given Master status. These certifications do not last forever. The tests must be retaken every five years to ensure certified technicians are current with recent developments.
What are the tests like?
To ensure quality and relevance, ASE employs a group of working technicians, executives, manufacturers, and educators in the automotive industry to create the exams. Most technicians take about two hours to finish an exam. Two of every three people who take ASE certifications pass on their first attempt.
Why should you care about ASE certification?
ASE certification allows mechanics to provide a higher standard of service to their customers. When you have your car repaired, keep an eye out for this designation.
Christian Brothers & ASE Certification
Across the nation, Christian Brothers Automotive employs ASE-Certified and Master Level ASE-Certified technicians. Christian Brothers is no exception. Whether you need a courtesy inspection, an oil change, or brake repairs, you can count on our trained mechanics to ensure that every service is compleleted according to the highest standards.