How to Know When to Replace Your Car’s Tires | Christian Brothers Automotive, East Wichita
There are many maintenance items that cars require on a regular basis to remain safe and operational on the road, but the one we see overdue the most often is typically tire replacement.
While necessary, replacing all four tires at once can lead to sticker shock, causing many people to put it off as long as they can. However, worn-down tires can lead to many dangerous performance issues, including hydroplaning, increased stopping time and poor turning performance.
Getting as much life out of your tires as possible is a good goal, but ultimately, it is also important to know when your tires need replacing. Below, we will look at some of the tell-tale signs that it may be time to have yours checked out by a professional.
What to Check to See if It Is Time to Replace Your Car’s Tires
First, check your tires’ tread depth. The biggest indicator that it might be time to replace your car’s tires is the depth of the tread. The tread on your tires dictates how well they are able to grip the road, and as it wears away with time, it can significantly reduce performance. You should check your tread monthly for indicators that it is wearing away so you do not wait until it is too late.
To check your tire tread, all you need is some spare change. To begin, you can start with a quarter: Insert a quarter with George Washington’s head facing down. If the top of his head is even with your tire tread, you have some time but should still be aware that you will need to replace your tires soon. To know when it is time to replace, use a penny: Insert it with Abraham Lincoln’s head facing downward. If his head is even with the tread, it is best to replace those tires as soon as you can.
Next, check the age. Maybe you do not drive often so your tires do not get that worn throughout the years. That is great, but it may not save you from needing to replace them regularly. Experts recommend replacing tires every six years regardless of the tread condition, as the rubber can stiffen and start to crack with time.
To check the age of your tires, look for the four-digit code on its wall. This code is issued by the Department of Transportation to show the week and year the tire was manufactured. In example, if your tire’s code says 4220, that means that the tire was manufactured in the 42nd week of 2020.
Do you think it may be time to replace your tires? We are here to help! Schedule an appointment with us today to have our expert technicians take a look.