5 Common Mechanical Issues that Cause Car Accidents
While certain accidents may not be avoidable, all the ones stemming from mechanical issues can be. At Christian Brothers Automotive Green Oaks in Grand Prairie, Texas, we check for all of these issues and more in our complimentary courtesy inspection. We give it to all our customers on every visit. It’s time to discover the nice difference.
Faulty Headlights and Taillights
Because of the lower driver visibility, a greater percentage of car accidents occur at night. This increased probability of an accident at night multiplies if you have broken or dim headlights, taillights or brake lights. Without them, it’s not only dangerous for you but also everyone else on the road. Without headlights, you can’t see in front of you, and without brake lights, drivers behind you can’t tell that you’re braking.
Tire Blowouts
Tire blowouts are caused by tires that are worn out or under inflated. Although tires are significantly safer today than they were in the past, these problems continue to be major hazards. Typically, blowouts will occur at high speeds, meaning they’re usually accompanied by drivers momentarily losing control of their vehicle. In addition, the shrapnel of your tire can also be thrown onto other motorists and cause them to wreck as well.
Faulty Steering System and Suspension
There’s no stopping a major accident if either your suspension or steering system malfunctions when you’re traveling at high speeds. If it’s your steering system, it will be almost impossible to turn. In contrast, if it’s your vehicle’s suspension, you’re more likely to experience excessive swaying and bouncing.
Malfunctioning Wipers
Without properly working wiper blades, your visibility is slim to none when you’re driving in the rain. Regardless of whether or not you can see the headlights, taillights or brake lights of other vehicles, your depth perception is greatly reduced by the rain hitting your windshield.
Faulty Brakes
Brake failure is one of the most frequently cited mechanical issues that lead to automobile accidents. Although many modern vehicles are equipped with dual brake systems to lower the risk of mechanical failure, it’s still a major problem.