What To Do When Your Check Engine Light Comes On
Seeing a light pop up on your dashboard can be very concerning, especially your check engine light because it could indicate such a variety of issues. Should you take your vehicle in immediately? Are you and your family safe? These aren’t questions you can leave unanswered! At Christian Brothers Automotive in Hutto, it is important to our ASE certified technicians and friendly service staff to educate you on how to keep your vehicle healthy and your family safe. We are here to ease any of your concerns and inform you on what steps you should take after your check engine light comes on.
What Does It Mean?
It doesn’t always mean that your engine is malfunctioning, although it could. Inside your vehicle you have a computer diagnostic system that monitors how your vehicle operates, but one of the specific things your check engine monitors is your emission - the amount of harmful gasses your vehicle releases into the environment. The state of Texas regulates the amount of emissions emitted from your car, in order to protect the environment from pollution.
Is It Flashing?
A flashing check engine light is usually an indication of a very serious problem, like an engine misfire. This type of issue could quickly leave you and your family stranded on the side of the road and be very costly. It’s important to bring your vehicle in immediately for service if your check engine light is flashing.
Is the Light Solid?
Although not as urgent as a flashing check engine light, the fact that your check engine light is on at all means your vehicle is releasing excessive emissions due to an underlying problem. A full diagnostic is still necessary, as you cannot pass the Texas state inspection with a check engine light on, even if it is just for emission reasons.
It’s More Than Just A Code
You can easily stop by any automotive parts store or repair shop and they will offer a “free” check engine diagnostic, but all you will generally receive is a code that points to the system that the issue is coming from. The code for one system can involve so many different components and lead you to guess where the issue is. Making a decision on a repair based on this code could lead to costly and unnecessary repairs. Bring your vehicle by Christian Brothers Automotive in Hutto for complete diagnostic testing and our technicians can pinpoint the exact reason your check engine light is on.
We’re Here For You
A check engine light could indicate something as simple as you leaving your gas cap off and not sealed properly or something as serious as an engine misfire. Our ASE certified technicians want to be sure to properly test your system in order to pinpoint the issue quickly, to avoid serious problems. We invite you to stop by our full-service auto repair shop on Highway 79 in Hutto. Just look for the big orange hippo!