8 Driving Safety Tips for Teen and First-Time Drivers

8 Driving Safety Tips for Teen and First-Time Drivers
| By: Christian Brothers Automotive

To help teens in the process of obtaining their first drivers' license (and their parents) navigate this new terrain, we've created a series of 10 important lessons for first-time drivers. Today, the first lesson is the most important:the basics of safe driving.

Whether you're learning to drive for the first time or you have years of experience, these 8 tips for safe driving will help you navigate the road ahead.

1. Accelerate slowly

It can be tempting to slam on the gas pedal as soon as the light turns green, but it's important to exercise self-control. Your engine performs better when it is eased into higher speeds. Go from a complete stop to a slow roll and gradually increase pressure on the gas pedal from there.

2. Hold the wheel steady

Smooth steering keeps you in control of the car. When taking turns or holding the car straight down the road, it's important to keep a steady hold on the wheel.

3. Brake gently

Just like accelerating, it's important to avoid slamming the pedal to the floor. Learning to recognize when to stop is one of the most important lessons a new driver can learn. If you see a stop sign or the light ahead turns yellow, begin applying light pressure to the brake as soon as possible.

Apply gentle, steady pressure to the brake pedal until your car rolls to a complete stop.

4. Maintain a safe speed

As you become more comfortable with driving, it can be tempting to push the bounds of posted speed limits. However, adhering to the speed limit is not just a matter of following the law – it is vital for the safety of yourself and others.

To determine the speed limit, the Department of Transportation sends engineers to perform a thorough investigation. These engineers take into account road type, accident history, traffic volume and sight distance. Your life and the lives of others are not worth shaving a few minutes off your drive time.

5. Follow at a reasonable distance

Keeping an adequate "cushion" between yourself and the car in front of you is important regardless of driving experience. However, as a first-time driver, your reaction time is inherently slower than that of other drivers.

Following the "two second rule" will keep you from rear-ending the car in front of you – and facing higher insurance premiums and expensive repairs.

6. Be aware of road signs

Develop a comprehensive understanding of all road signs, safety signals and pavement markings. Never ignore a road sign or safety signal because you are feeling confident in your driving abilities. The signs have been posted for a reason.

7. Choose your lane carefully

Become familiar with the purpose of each lane and give yourself adequate room to make turns or lane changes. If you know a turn or exit is coming up, move into the far right lane early enough to avoid cutting off other drivers.

Use the far left lane only for passing (at a safe speed) and for left exits. When traveling long distances at a consistent speed, the center lane is the safest option.

8. Communicate effectively

The blinker is an important part of safe driving. When your turn signal is used correctly, it can communicate your decisions and future moves to other drivers. Use your horn sparingly, and only as a warning to other drivers.

Keep yourself alert and aware of the behavior of fellow drivers so you can be prepared to react in the case of an emergency. Check your mirrors frequently and always look over your shoulder before changing lanes or backing up.

Learning to drive can be intimidating, but with enough practice and a proper awareness of those around you, in can be a safe and fun experience. Follow Christian Brothers Automotive's driving safety tips and enjoy this new life step.

Call your local Christian Brothers Automotive if you have any questions about safe driving or getting your car ready for a first-time driver. Stay safe out there!

Other posts in the series

1. 8 Driving Safety Tips for Teen and First-Time Drivers

2. 5 Important Driving Practice Conditions For Teen and First-Time Drivers

3. Teen and First-Time Drivers’ 6 Steps to Obtaining Your License

4. The 8 Most Important Car Maintenance Services Teen Drivers and First-Time Drivers Need To Know

5. 6 Steps to New Vehicle Registration for Teen and First-Time Drivers

6. What Parents Need to Know About Teen Driver Insurance

7. Guidelines to Buying Your Teen the Best Car Possible

8. More Than Texting and Driving: The Top 10 Driving Distractions Teen and First-Time Drivers Need to Eliminate

9. The 3 Most Common Reasons Cars Breakdown (And What Teen Drivers Need to Do When it Happens)

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