Covid 19 and Cars
No, your vehicle can not get Covid 19 but it could be a carrier or containment for it, no I’m very serious! What should you do to help protect yourself and your loved ones during these very different times?
First thing is all exterior surfaces should be cleaned and kept clean, both inside and outside the vehicle. Soap and water is known to disable the virus by removing its outer layer and making it unable to bind to surfaces. That alone will have a twofold impact, the first in keeping the virus away and second there is nothing quite like appreciating a clean vehicle.
Next is to be aware of who is riding in your vehicle and where THEY have been. This is extremely important as school and restaurants have opened/closed/opened and by the time this article is printed who knows what it will be. Understand however that when you and/or your passengers have just left work, school, the office, grocery store, etc. it has just increased your exposure again.
In my opinion it’s not unreasonable to ask your passenger to ride in the back and if it’s only 1 person then have them sit on the rear passenger seat. Keep that social distance practice going whenever possible. Wear a mask when you are picking someone up and ask that they wear one also during the ride.
One item to certainly not overlook is the vehicles cabin filter. The cabin filter captures dust and heavy particles that are circulated in the vehicles interior by your air conditioner and heater system. Most manufactures recommend to replace it about once a year but during these times I would suggest it more frequently. When you shop for a filter, I strongly suggest getting the best one available for your vehicle. Cabin filters can range from as little as $15.00 to as much as $75.00 and like you have heard before, you get what you pay for. What price tag is your health worth? When operating your climate control select recirculate or max to keep the outside air outside.
When you take your vehicle to have it serviced or valet parked is the facility practicing CDC guidelines?
When you come to a stop sign or traffic light maintain your vehicle 6 feet away from other vehicles and keep your windows rolled up if possible.
Stay safe and we can all we get past this very different time.