Car Repair Services in Westminster
We Are the Dealer Alternative For All Makes & Models
If you’re seeking an honest, trustworthy auto shop, look no further
than Christian Brothers Automotive Westminster. We pride ourselves on providing top-notch services
and fantastic prices. We know you’re a busy person, so we supply
our automotive and diesel specialists with all the tools and equipment
they need to get the job done fast—without sacrificing the quality
of our work!
Auto Repair you can trust serving, Westminster, Broomfield, Thornton, and
the greater Denver area.
September 16th 2020, we had our 10,000th Repair Order written. To celebrate
this historic milestone, we provided the 10,000th customer with a $100
CBA-Westminster Gift Certificate
(to be used at our shop in the future).

Customer James Negus (Middle), CBA Westminster owner Jim Roberts (Left), and
Danielle Freeman, our Service Writer who wrote the RO (Right)